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Celebrating Success: Award-Winning Research and Internship Achievements

Laura Rudderham

The 26th annual Irish Society of Human Genetics (ISHG) conference took place on the 22nd of September 2023 at the Galmont Hotel in Galway. The FamilyGenomice Research Group was well represented by post-doctoral researcher, Dr Laura Fahey who presented on Biological Insights into Sleep, Neurodevelopmental and Neuropsychiatric Conditions: Investigating the Overlapping Genetic Contributions Using Pathw

ay-Based Polygenic Score Analysis. This is as impressive as it sounds since Dr Fahey was awarded the prize for best post-doc oral presentation. Congratulations on your achievement!

Our summer internship students also have a lot to be proud of, as their projects have officially come to close with the presentation of their research posters at the Summer Programme for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) Symposium that took place yesterday, on the 25th of October 2023 at Maynooth University. Laura Kupisiak presented her research poster on the Post genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) for schizophrenia and sleep-related phenotypes, a comparison, and Dearbhla Brady took home the Audience Choice Award for her research poster on the Post genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) results for ADHD and sleep related phenotypes, a comparison.

What a fantastic effort to all our summer interns – Christina, Dearbhla, Laura, and Shakira – for undertaking such an achievement during your undergraduate education, and well-done Dearbhla!


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