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Our most recent advertisements for recruitment for research studies will be shown here.  

FamilySleeps Recruitment ASD families_updated.pdf.png
FamilySleeps Recruitment TD Families_updated.pdf.png

FamilySleeps Research Study

Participants Needed 

FamilySleeps: Investigation of circadian rhythms and sleep in families: a focus on autism 



Research study title: FamilySleeps: Investigation of circadian rhythms and sleep in families: a focus on autism 


Am I able to take part?  

You are eligible to take part if:

  • You are a parent of at least two non-autistic children aged 6-10 years old

  • You are a parent of at least one non-autistic child aged 6-10 years old and one autistic child aged 6-10 years old 


The team involved:  

We are the Family Genomics Research Group in Maynooth University led by Dr Lorna Lopez. 


What is the aim of this study? 

The overall aim of this study is to investigate the link between sleep, circadian rhythms and genetics in 30 families with autistic children and 30 families with non-autistic children.  


What do I have to do?  

  1. This is a study for one year

  2. You and your children will be asked to wear an activity monitor on your wrists to monitor your level of activity 

  3. You will be asked to place a movement sensor in your children's bedroom(s) to monitor their sleep

  4. Your family will be asked to donate saliva samples and we will use these to look at your genes

  5. We will use all of this data to better understand if there is a link between genes, autism and sleep


Contact us:  

  • If you would like to find out more information, please contact us via email:  

  • You can find out more about team members via our Team Page.


Funding: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 950010).


For more about our research: Please review our Research Page.


Data Protection at Maynooth University:

  • The Family Genomics Research Group adheres to data protection policies governed by Maynooth University  

  • Visit Maynooth University Data Protection for more information. 

Previous research studies


Research Study Participants Needed 

Effects of Daylight Exposure and Vitamin D on Circadian Rhythms, Mood, and Sleep 



Research study title: Development of wearable sensors for assessing exposure to daylight and association with circadian rhythms, mood, sleep, and Vitamin D status. 


Am I able to take part?  

  • If you are a healthy adult aged 18-30  

  • If you do NOT have a diagnosis of any condition that might affect your sleep or circadian rhythm (examples include insomnia, narcolepsy, depression, or any neuropsychiatric condition) 

  • If you are NOT taking any medication that might affect your sleep/circadian rhythm or Vitamin D (examples include sleeping tablets, vitamin D supplements, or corticosteroids) 


The Team involved:  

We are the Family Genomics Research Group in Maynooth University led by Dr Lorna Lopez. This pilot study is being led by Dr Cathy Wyse and assisted by Aoibhín Woods and Hannah Walsh. 


What is the aim of this study? 

Disturbed circadian rhythms are a feature of many neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions in adults and children. Our overall aim at the Family Genomics research group at Maynooth University is to investigate the reasons for this. Exposure to daylight is suspected to be involved in the association between mood, sleep, and circadian rhythms, but we do not have good methods for quantifying intensity and duration of light exposure in individuals. The aim of this study is to trial and optimize the use of sensors for the assessment of daylight exposure and to measure associations with sleep, mood, Vitamin D, and circadian rhythms.  


What do I have to do?  

  1. Wear a sensor on your hand/wrist for one week. 

  2. On one occasion only collect 4 drops of blood onto a test card for Vitamin D measurement using a home testing kit that we will provide.  

  3. Complete questionnaires on your sleep, mood, and diet.  

  4. Return the sensors to us after the study using a method of your choice which we will pay for. 


Contact us:  

  • If you would like to find out more information, please contact us via email:  

  • You can find out more about team members via our Team Page.


Funding: Maynooth University Network and Collaboration Support Fund 2021


For more about our research: Please review our Population genetics and Human health research theme. 


Data Protection at Maynooth University:

  • The Family Genomics Research Group adheres to data protection policies governed by Maynooth University  

  • Visit Maynooth University Data Protection for more information. 

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